Monday, April 04, 2005

relate much?

Relating is one of the most important and common things we do as humans. From the moment we are concieved we have a relationship with our mothers, and we are born into her relationships with the world. It is no wonder that some people are excellent at relating, and some people can't get away quick enough. The thing is, relate we must. It is ALL relative and the only way to escape from it is become a nomad, outcast, hermit... or Michael Jackson. No seriously though, that approach only works for some and I can't help but think that those people have just run as far away as they can, instead of turning to face it or fight the fear. To relate is to be alive I think and it can only enhance the overall experience if we pursue it rather then escape it. Say what you mean and mean what you say... works for me.


Blogger clothosfate said...

so your saying I should check out two books that depict how utterly horrid people can be at relating? Hmmm do you thik there is a market for this kind of thing cause I have plenty of stories that DON'T feature my particular flavor of optimism when it comes to relating... I have to admit I prefer 'good relations', but the bad ones often make more exciting stories.

1:21 PM  

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